About me

My name as you have already guessed is Paul. I have been building model aircraft for as long as I can remember!

As with a lot of people in this hobby I started at a young age with the good old Airfix kits and got to a stage in my late teens where I was displaying models at shows, but there was always a thought in the back of my mind that there was something missing. I wished they could fly!


I remember as a small child traveling down to Cornwall for a summer holiday, gazing out of the window of the car watching the telephone wires dip and rise up to the posts continuously, and thinking, if I had a radio controlled plane I could fly it along the side of the car and control it from where I was sat! OH the naivety of youth.


But that planted the seed.


Around 20 years ago I bought my first trainer an MFA Yamamoto, this was an ARTF (Almost Ready To Fly) but in those days an ARTF still meant doing a fair bit of work to get it airborne.

An OS 40 FP Max and the good old Futaba Challenger 6 some gear for the flight box and that was it, I was hooked!


My Passion is scale I don’t enter competitions I just build for my own pleasure I am a believer in if it looks right it its ok but I do try to get is as close as possible to the real thing one of my mates says I can _____ about for England to get even the smallest detail correct.

I spend as much time as I can building and flying, but sometimes I can go for weeks without touching a model there aren’t enough hours in a day. I am not a fast builder,

Another of my friends said there will be a newer version of the internet out, by the time i have finished the Moth :-).


I do all my building in a 10x8 shed that has been converted into a workshop with a workbench, tools, everything I need to spend all the hours I can get in there with only coming out for the refill of coffee, or I may get the odd phone call from my lovely wife “Can you give me a hand to move this bag of compost” or “dinners nearly ready” I have a very understanding wife, the best in the world!.


My son is now 19 and he used to fly but as with all teenagers they get different interests and move on. But I like to think, if he ever wanted to come back to the hobby in later life, at least he would have a good bases to start from.


2 years ago my grandson came along, what a joy. He loves to watch me fly my indoor helicopter

Around the room when he visits his “GANGGAD” and I have already got him a small park flyer for when he is older, you never know!


Over the past few years I have had various aircraft, some have been documented but allot haven’t, so the only ones I can include in this website are the ones I have photos of. I never thought I would have my own web site it was always a “dark art” to me, but a couple of weeks ago I had a look into it and with technology the way it is I thought I would have a go so here it is.


Please enjoy having a look around.


May all your landings be soft ones.



All the best.

